Get Your Marketing Channels Speaking a Universal Language

By Seer Interactive (other events)

Tuesday, September 24 2019 5:00 PM 7:30 PM EDT

A Creative, an Audience Researcher, and a Data Strategist walk into a bar...or rather the 7th floor of Seer HQ in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. 

This event is designed for Search Marketers, but would be beneficial to anyone who wants to learn the key components to getting your marketing strategies working together.

Learn How To:

  • Leverage big data practices to stop guessing when it comes to understanding your customer and how to reach them

  • Earn your customer's attention in a world where most Americans see 4K to 10K advertisements each day

  • Develop channel agnostic insights that drive integration across your marketing channels

  • Get your team working together to integrate your marketing strategy cross-channel

This is an inside peek at how Seer is leaning into audience data, integrated data, and creative to drive cross-channel strategy for our clients.

Hosted by: Wil Reynolds, Founder & Director of Digital Strategy

Presentations by:

Kristin Bigness, Senior Creative Manager & Seerfest 2019 Speaker:

How to Build a Culture of Data-Driven Design (And What's In It For You)
How C-levels, marketing practitioners, and designers can use data-driven design to integrate teams, win over customers, and increase ROI.

Teresa Lopez, Audience Lead

Stop, Analyze, and Listen: The People Behind The Search
If we know there are people behind searches, then why aren’t we listening to them? Discover areas in your marketing where you’re speaking a different language than your users, and, along with qualitative audience research, work to get on the same page.

Christina Blake, Senior SEO Manager & Data Strategist

Scaling Audience Research with Data Visualization
Text-based data like surveys, chat logs, and scraped comments from forums and communities are a gold mine of insights, but can be overwhelming to parse through without the right tools and visualization.


WHEN: Tuesday, September 24 from 5:00PM to 7:30PM

WHERE: Seer HQ: 1033 N 2nd St, 7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19123

TICKETS: FREE! Light food & refreshments provided



Mailing Address

1033 N 2nd St, Philadelphia PA, 19123